
Unique immediate treatment for accidents in epidural anaesthesia

Challenge: PDPH
Epidural anesthesia entails the risk of accidental dural puncture and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage at the puncture site in approximately 2% of all lumber punctures. This leakage causes post-dural puncture headache (PDPH), common in up to 80% of patients, victims of accidental dural puncture. PDPH is often accompanied by neck stiffness, photophobia, nausea, or subjective hearing symptoms, and can last for multiple days. Besides painful conditions these adverse events cause mothers increasing anxiety and negatively affect their ability to care for their newborn.
Despite the risk involved, there is a significant growth of epidural anaesthesia procedures in the pain control and treatment field.
What patients say about PDPH
Alyssa T
Military spouse and mom of two sweet girls
It was horrible and devastating! I was completely bed-bound except for using the bathroom... My life has been forever changed because of the lumber puncture...I cry daily because this condition feels so hopeless at times

Maria J L
PDPH negatively impacted her family life
If there had ben a kit like Dr' García-Vitora's when I was in the hospital, I would have saved myself years of suffering, pain, and depression... And above all I would have avoided collateral damage because those around me know how much they have suffered without deserving it
Alicia D
regrets hugely lost precious moments with her newborn daughter was born and when they gave her to me I had no strength in my arms... Next day, when I got up and couldn't stand up... I had amiptriptyline treatment for a few months before returning to a normal life
Liliya T
got 3 epidural blood patch (gold standard treatment currently) before getting better
I couldn't tolerate sounds, or light, can't focus my vision, only for short periods of time, start losing my voice, my cognitive function got down, I couldn't write normally, forgetting words, sleepiness, long bedridden days in dark room... I was piece of meat...I lost my business...
None of the existing solutions prevents the PDPH symptoms
  • Medication
    Provides some pain relief but not efficient and effective for all patients
  • Epidural Blood Patch
    The invasive procedure with multiple contradictions and failure rate of approximately 30%. Considered current gold standard treatment
MaterMend ensures a safe epidural anesthesia procedure
We prevent the post-dural puncture headache, the incapacitating condition resulting from accidental puncture of dura mater
Our Technology
MaterMend offers a patch (incl. insertion kit) that stops Cerebrospinal fluid loss (the cause of PDPH) a few instants after an accidental dural puncture and is straightforward in its application. The device placement takes less than 30 s, and the dural closure occurs within 2 min after the puncture.

MaterMend's concept was proven in in vivo study demonstrating efficience and simplicity of the device application for the doctor
Reputable partners
  • Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia
    40 years helping companies to innovate in people's well-being
  • Fundació Fisabio
    Primary purpose is to encourage, to promote and to develop scientific and technical health and biomedical research in Valencia Region.
  • NLC
    The Healthtech Venture Builder
    Spanish Intracranial Hypotension and Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks Association
Our Contacts
+351 963 774 706
BIOHUB Valencia Life Sciences Companies Center
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